Tired of spending hundreds of dollars on skin creams and other skin products? Well, believe it or not, if you really want to have beautiful, luminous skin, you may need to change your diet. Nutrition is an important aspect of making skin look great. Eating the right vitamins and minerals can make a huge difference. So ladies, if you are ready to get great skin, don’t shop in the beauty isle, start looking in the grocery section.
Important Vitamins and Minerals for Lovely Skin
If you want beautiful and youthful looking skin, then it’s important that you get the appropriate vitamins and minerals in your diet. Antioxidants are especially important, since they fight off free radicals that can make skin age and cause impurities. Here are some of the most important vitamins and minerals you need to have lovely skin.
- Vitamin E - Vitamin E is an important mineral that you should be getting for beautiful skin. It helps to keep your skin protected from damage from the sun and also keep the cell membranes protected. Some studies suggest it even works together with vitamin C to avoid aging.
- Vitamin C - Speaking of vitamin C, it’s also a very important vitamin for skin health. It is important for the production of collagen and also fights off free radicals. You definitely need to get plenty of this vitamin in your diet on a regular basis.
- Selenium - Selenium is also important for your skin. It also works to keep the skin safe from the sun and also works to delay aging. It protects both the elasticity and the quality of your skin. In tests that have been done on animals, it can help to prevent certain skin cancers and can even reduce sun damage that has already been done.
- Beta Carotene - Beta carotene, which is a form of Vitamin A, is a must if you want healthy skin. This vitamin is used to help repair and grow tissue in the body. While it’s important that you avoid overdoing it, since high doses can be toxic, you do need a certain amount of beta carotene in your diet for skin that looks beautiful.
- Omega 3’s - Omega 3’s, which are fatty acids, should also be included in your diet. They keep cell membranes healthy and they keep out toxins as well. Studies show that they help to keep skin protected from the sun as well.
Best Foods to Eat to Improve Your Skin
Now that you know a bit about some of the important vitamins and minerals needed for skin health, here’s a look at specific foods that you can eat to improve your skin.
- Salmon for Your Skin - Wild salmon is a great food choice for our skin, since it is filled with healthy omega 3’s. Vitamin D is included, which is great for the rest of your body. Selenium is found in salmon too, protecting your skin from the sun. So, this makes a great all around choice if you want to eat to keep your skin looking great.
- Blueberries for Beauty - Blueberries are one of the best fruits out there because of the high amount of antioxidants that are found in them. Antioxidants are known to help prevent aging of the skin. So, add some of these berries to your diet on a daily basis.
- Eat Your Greens - Spinach, one of the best greens out there, is another food you should eat for your skin. It’s loaded up with antioxidants and includes vitamin E, vitamin B, and a lot of vitamin C. You’ll even find omega 3’s in spinach. All of these vitamins and the fatty acids are great for your skin.
- Slice Up Some Tomatoes - Tomatoes are on the list because of the high amounts of lycopene found in them. Lycopene is a great antioxidant for anti aging, which will help keep your skin looking young.
These are just a few of the great foods that can help you eat your way to skin that is healthy and beautiful. Some of the other options for great skin include walnuts, oysters, oranges, kiwi, carrots, nuts, and even dark chocolate. So, it’s time to start spending so much on those lotions for your skin. Spend a bit of money in the grocery isle and take home foods that will help prevent aging and promote beautiful skin.
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